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Advocating for Families in the Central Valley

Miguel A. Jimenez is a Central Valley native with a family law firm that is rooted in our valley. Mr. Jimenez attended the University of California, Santa Cruz for his undergraduate degree and completed his law degree here in the valley at San Joaquin College of Law. Immediately after law school, Mr. Jimenez began his career learning and practicing family law. Having now a decade of experience in family legal matters, Mr. Jimenez has the expertise and acquired acumen to represent all families in court along with ensuring a fair and favorable outcome for his clients. 

Attorney, Miguel Jimenez, strongly emphasizes helping his clients find effective, focused solutions that get them through difficult times. In our family law practice, our goal is to find a resolution that is fair and beneficial to all parties involved. 

When a marriage has come to an end, it is often an emotional situation and the legal matters involved in dissolution can be extremely stressful. Attorney Miguel Jimenez will be there for you every step of the way, advising you of all the critical issues and what you can expect in your case. Our goal at Jimenez law firm is to help our clients during one of life's most difficult times and help to move each party forward. 

family problem, divorce and people conce
Our Firm focuses only on family law, this ensures that our clients receive the most current legal advice and specialization that they deserve.
  • Divorce and Separation
  • Child custody and Child Support
  • Visitations
  • Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
  • Modifications
  • Spousal Support
  • Property Division
  • Premarital Agreements
  • Grandparent Rights

Legal representation varies on a case by case basis. To ensure that you and your family's legal circumstances are adequately handled, we strongly encourage speaking with an attorney to properly analyze and recommend future steps to ensure you receive a fair and favorable outcome when in court. 

Call our office to schedule a consultation with the attorney at 559-431-5905 or 559-470-9252

Payment plans available 

Services Offered:
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